Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And the Loser Is . . .

The United States of America.

The man who triumphs at the polls today will be a tribute to money and the people who have it and gave it.

The elected offices of our land have slid into a massive purchase of privilege and power. While both candidates have railed against special interests and the influence they wield in Washington, these are the very folks who have bankrolled the presidential race, the senate races, and the congressional races. I get the feeling that the height of insincerity is the candidate who blisters the lobby groups while (wink, wink) knowing he has his hand in their deep pockets.

This election has helped me to learn that I am not middle class but lower class because I don't make $75,000 a year. Wow, talk about a downer. I have been living in poverty all my life and more sobering, so have my children--sorry guys, I thought we were living better.

This election reminded me that most candidates think I am stupid, stupid, stupid. Because I am so stupid, I won't notice they misrepresent the other person's position, lightly gloss over their own, and all the while appealing to their honesty and integrity. How stupid is that?

This election reminded me that insiders who accept no responsibility confess to one or more of the following:
If while serving in the Senate, they were not responsible for anything that has gone on, they are ineffective.
If while serving in the Senate, they were responsible for what has gone on, they are incompetent. If while serving in the Senate, they were out of the beltway loop, they were unnecessary.

And those were our choices.

While I have never quite understood the Parliamentary system, I do like the notion that elections are not perpetual cycles that plague the people like a chronic cough. We are well past the time when it should take four years to elect a president. Three months max! That is all that is needed, and really all we should stand. In order to accomplish that, politicians would have to forget the mud slinging and put forth the issues.

But, that is not today.

Today, the election belongs to the moneyed, and apparently, by definition, I am not one of that crowd.

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