Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Curious thing about hospitals, one can always find people waiting.

Anna arrived early for her heart cath because, we can do that and should do that. People show up early for appointments out of respect, even if those for whom we wait can't get organized enough to see their appointments on time. Two hours later, she is taken back for the "stand you on your head till all your coins fall out" procedure. Not too bad if one has insurance which always includes our contribution to medical expenses for those who don't do their part, or pay their bills, or carry insurance.

Then we go to the procedure prep room. After that is done, assured it was going to be " a while" in hospital speak, I run off to find some lunch because it is going to be a long afternoon.

And after a quick lunch, I arrive back at the procedure room, and Anna is gone. Apparently "a while" is no longer as long as it used to be. She is bumped to the top of the list. I am reasonably sure it has nothing to do with any seriousness of her condition, more likely she had insurance and the cardiologist's boat payment was more assured than the other person waiting who may not have had insurance. So, I sit in the waiting room--waiting.

I have no deep concerns about how Anna will do because she is strong, vibrant, and does most everything to keep her heart healthy. She is a woman of faith and grace infused with the most incredible kind strength and courage.

The concern is what hereditary plays in this wonder mix of genes, environment, and lifestyle.

So I wait.

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