Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ideology today

I might find ideology more appealing if in today's society it was less a reason for inaction than a cause. I also might find ideology more appealing if it was less a blunt instrument with which to beat people and more of a "because of this, I propose this."

But that is not the fate of ideology today.

Sadly, ideology today does not facilitate dialogue or conversation, but rather provides the background for shrill debate in which no one listens because no one has anything to learn and certainly not any truth ungrasp.

Ideology today is not beginning with ideas rather the spewing forth of dogma both heard and repeated but unable to stand the scrutiny of anyone not as dogmatic as oneself on exactly the same issues. In fact what attempts to pass for conversation and discussion in America today is more like a mediocre sound system poorly adjusted resulting in a echo ring of annoying proportions.

Perhaps what is most annoying about ideology today is its perverted misuse to justify the paralyzing inaction of leaders in a time that has no time for inaction or delay. So, all that happens is noise, raised voices, invectives, pointed fingers, criticism and--inaction. That is not leadership. That has never been leadership. Nor will it ever pass for leadership except among those who either have lost sight of what leadership is or wrongly believe leadership is about being an impasse to action.

If the fast paced world of business adopted the model of leadership we frankly do not see among the public sector elected government legislators and congressional representatives, they would have marched their companies into insolvency.

Oh, wait, that is what they did. But, what business did was turn to the government to bail them out financially. Where shall the "leaders" of government turn?