Sunday, June 14, 2020

Journey's End

Today the Hobbit Chancellors made their way into deep Arkansas finally arriving at our destination at the home Sandy and Bill Cummings are transitioning to. It literally sits on top of a hill or mountain(not sure of when one becomes the other. They have this scenic overlook that is stunning. Bill, my brother-in-law paints and so he sees scenery from the vantage point of an artist. He tells me that between the clouds, the changing location of the sun, and shadows, every look is at a different scene. I plan to take my camera, a new gadget, my tripod and take pictures.

We passed by Toad Suck(yes there is such a place), and discovered to our dismay that Booger Holler no longer exists. Of course we were shattered by that news. We had stopped at an overlook and was admiring the view when another car pulled up and out came two really old adults(as opposed to just old) He was deaf and his wife was inquisitive asking Anna if this was our first time this way. She replied it was our first time. She asked where we were from to which Anna replied, “Texas.” Again she queried, “You are not from Florida?” It was not as odd a question as you might think. Our rental car had Florida plates. I was tempted to say, “The couple we hijacked the car from was from Florida—you got a problem with that?” I kept silent as the deaf husband asked the same questions. Then looking out over this majestic scene of rolling hills covered with trees, he said, “You know this used to be a beautiful sight until the trees grew too tall and covered everything up. They used to have souvenir shops all up and down this road, and traffic almost bumper to bumper. And now look at it, the trees have covered everything up, Booger Holler is gone, the shops are gone, the traffic is gone. Not the same. Just lots of trees!” I confessed that being from West Texas, trees still captivated me. He did not hear what I said, but gave a grumpy huff and got back in his car with his wife and they fled the scene. Nothing left to look at.

We overnighted in Texarkana, Arkansas, and trying to follow our son's instructions looked for takeout which we could eat in our room. IHOP had a limited take out menu—no salads. Micky Ds had a limited menu and no salads. We finally ended up in the drive thru at What-A-Burger behind a long line because their dining room was closed until further notice. Salad was still on the menu and as we waited, I found myself thinking of all the people who were showing up to work, so that we could get groceries, prepared foods, and the basic necessities of our lives. So I promised myself to redouble my efforts to find ways to express my personal appreciation for their efforts and bringing some sort of normality to the chaos of our time.

I could not help but notice how many people have wrongly believed COVID-19 is no longer a threat because “it's just the flu” The evidence is overwhelming it is not. However, facts are no match for ignorance. I rattled off in my mind what I knew: COVID-19 has crashed the economies of the world; people have flooded hospitals with critically ill patients where the treatment at the end (respirators) are in short supply and surviving the respirator is 20%; death rates are 418,000 world wide and rising; 117,000 deaths in the US alone partly because the government response was too slow and too erratic; One fourth of the deaths world wide have happened in America which one would think should have one of the greatest health care systems in the world coupled with one of the most efficient federal and state governments in the world.

Tragically, it is not over, the “curve has not flattened” and in Texas alone the death rate is climbing daily as life gets back to “normal.” Wise church leaders without a political agenda are very slow to reopen for services and have never believed this is or was a first amendment issue. Most common sense pastors will tell you doing funerals is not their most favorite pastoral duty. It is just a part of the job. In fact in all my years of pastoring and working with pastors, I don't remember any single person saying, “You know what I really love doing? Preaching funerals!” Wisdom says this is real and we need to lead the way in adjusting to this reality knowing it will not last forever. I thank God for those undershepherds who serve wisely in their leadership.

I find myself saying, “The greatest badge for being foolish and selfish in this time is not wearing a mask when you interact with others.” Foolish because so many of the faces I see are at high risks including people of color, morbid obesity, compromising underlying health conditions, age, and the randomness of who this virus kills. I was struck by the story of a New York Broadway actor/dancer aged 41 who is fighting for his life. He fits none of the factors which would put him at greater risk, but he has already had a leg amputated(blood clots from COVID), and even with that is still fighting for his life. This virus is very nasty and some scientists believe they have found evidence this virus has already mutated which means while proven treatment protocols might not change, a vaccine in time may not be enough to stop the virus.

I am always a proponent of getting the right information, listening to those who are spending their lives in treating or researching issues such as these, hearing the medical community as they speak into the issues surrounding this(hopefully) once in a lifetime pandemic. We should ignore those who are amateurs in the field of gathering, understanding, and communicating the truth without bias about what this virus is all about. It is really as simple as, “Would you rather me come to your house with my encyclopedia of knowledge,my wealth of experience, access to the World Wide Webb and diagnosis your sickness, and then proceed to perform surgery on your kitchen table with a dull knife and dirty cup towels; or would you choose to allow a skilled physician or surgeon take a scalpel to your body to resolve your issue?” It really is that kind of choice. However, in addition to that, getting out without a mask shows an unbelievable level of careless disregard for others who are trying to get what they need and stay safe. If you are an asymptomatic carrier as many are, your lack of social concern for others may kill someone you do not know, have never met or will never be linked back to your foolish demonstration of your personal right to be stupid. And, as we seeing, many are getting infected who are not “high risk” but end up in the Hospital ER, then ICU, and hopefully moved to a floor all of which puts your care givers at greater risk because you did not do your part. You will not be asked when you show up at the ER with a raging fever, sweating, inability to breathe if you did everything to protect yourself and if the answer is an honest “No, I thought it was just the flu.” They will still treat you. Your foolish decisions have put fathers, mothers, and their families at risk because you believed “it was just the flu.”

One of the virtues of this nation has been a sense of community and caring for others who are not our family. We need to see a little bit more of this consideration for your “neighbor.” Why? Jesus told us to do it. So let's do it.

Wash your hands, wear your masks, mind the gap and be kind.

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