Sunday, September 13, 2020

Jesus the Loser

Having finished Michael Cohen's book on his relationship with DJT for 10 years, I am left with several questions. One bubbled up this morning in worship as our Pastor began a series on the “Return of the King” highlighting the themes of Revelation.

I have watched the Trump train wreck for over four years and cannot understand why so many religious people flock to this man or worse call him “a great Christian.” I saw that comment on a Texas Congressman's FB page about his work on brokering a peace agreement between the UAE and Israel.

I have often wondered about sociopaths/psychopaths in regard to their souls. It would be easy to call these people “soulless except Genesis 2:7 reports Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” What NIV translates “living being” the Hebrew word is nephesh. The term נפשis literally "soul" That is, man does not have a soul, he or she is a soul. So, it would seem one's very existence requires a soul. Existence does not tell us the condition of one's soul, just that human life = soul.

I mention this because there is wide expert evidence and conviction that DJT is a sociopath—among his other personality features.

What was it that surfaced in my mind this morning during worship? Well I have been pondering why Trump has no problem with taking the endorsement of religious conservatives and Mormons, even when he does not believe or worship God or follow Christ. Then it hit me. He has no use for Jesus because in his world Jesus was a “loser,” a “sucker,” “stupid” in the extreme. Those three descriptive words are frequently in the twitter world of Trump. He mentioned the military men and women who died in France in WWI as “suckers” and “losers.” How much more would it appear to apply to Jesus.

Of course Trump could not really articulate it using the Bible because it is a book with which he is unfamiliar. But, it documents his way of thinking about Jesus. First, Jesus gave up the glories of heaven to become a lowly child of impoverished parents. What's up with that? Why leave all that behind? Think of the riches and power He set down. That would be stupid; beyond Trump's ability to understand.

Jesus's life would demonstrate a minimalist approach to life. No great home, no camels loaded with possessions, surrounding himself with “other losers and suckers” using his amazing powers to help others, to heal others, to feed thousands, to stop storms on the sea, but never for himself and never taking an offering. He was self denying—what's up with that?

Of course the biggest stumbling block would be two fold. First he would teach a life of humility, service to others, and obedience to God manifesting in the fruits of the Spirit: "But the fruit of the Spirit is lovejoypeacepatiencekindnessgoodnessfaithfulnessgentleness, and self-control." Galatians 5:22-23)

Perhaps the most troubling to Trump would be the Cross. If Trump thinks Marines who died in WWI were losers and suckers, what does he think about Jesus who died as a ransom for many? Especially if he read about the opportunities Satan presented Jesus in the temptations. The opportunities presented: bread enough; power enough; all without suffering.

If this president cannot understand the simple, powerful sacrifice of a soldier for his country, how can he grasp the blood bought sacrifice Christ willingly provided him for his salvation?

Wash your hands, wear your mask for others, mind the gap, and be kind. 

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