Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Trump and the Coming Election

Folks who know me or have read my posting know that many, many behaviors of President Donald J. Trump have troubled me.

However, recently, he has given the impression if the national election does not go in his favor, he may not accept the results of the voting. He has gone on to disparage the election process, mail in voting, the US Postal Service's ability to handle in a timely way the mass of mail in votes that could come because of COVID-19.

His allegations of massive fraud stretching back to the 2016 national elections have not been substantiated. The Heritage Foundation(a conservative think tank) has monitored election fraud since the 1980s with less than a fraction of the votes counted since these records have been kept deemed fraudulent. Go here to look ( If that were not enough, this president has attempted to hobble the USPS to such an extent that would not be ready for the election windfall of votes returned by mail.

Having previously worked elections early in my pastoral experience, I was impressed with how poll workers looked at their jobs. I doubt much has changed. Folks give their time to ensure voters ballots are cast and counted. That is our system which has worked since the beginning of the Republic.

However, we have never had a president like the one we have today. DJT dips deep into his presumptive power, enjoying every possible nuance with which he believes he is entitled. Less so, is he as passionate about his responsibilities as the leader of not just this nation but the free world.

This president feels free to use every opportunity to increase his wealth and extend his brand. Early on in his presidency, I joked that the White House would become the “Trump House” with gaudy flashing lights like one of his Atlantic City, New Jersey Casinos. Less so is he focused on the struggle of ordinary Americans living from paycheck to paycheck many of whom are people of color or living in the shadows as illegal immigrants. He and his Republican party are unwilling to extend more aid to struggling families facing eviction or foreclosure. In fact, COVID has been a blessing to him because he doesn't have to shake hands with “those disgusting people.”

This president feels no constrains to use his “bully pulpit” to castigate his enemies whether they be Democrats, Blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, or people who disagree with him. He refuses to use that same pulpit to encourage, exhort, entreat the American people to their best selves during this pandemic which has settled on our land and on the world.

This president has withheld vital information about COVID-19 acting as if we are children who cannot handle the truth, the results of which have confused his base and put at risk the health of a nation. His explanation of not wanting to cause a panic rings hollow when he had trafficked in fear( a caravan headed to the US of criminals and rapists from Central and South America) blaming peaceful protesters for the destruction caused by violent tail guards following behind. He has moved away from cherished allies into the unseemly company of international thugs and despots and found them welcoming to him and their friendships comfortable.

Trump has reduced complex policies, issues, and treaties to 280 character tweets. He has fired men and women who have served him faithfully with a tweet embarrassing them in front of their peers, while extolling the virtues of those who should be condemned.

He has berated the courts of the land and the judges who rule again his interests but still runs to the protection of the courthouse when he chooses to renege on a contract or stiff a contractor.

So, the president is not sure if he will accept the results of the November 3, 2020 election if he loses. Constitutional scholars indicate that would amount to treason. Since he is facing so many other charges if he loses, I would not suggest he add that one to the list of his crimes.

Wash your hands, wear your mask for others, mind the gap, and be kind


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