Friday, May 30, 2008

Where are all the old folks?

Mom has a question growing out of all the YFZ Ranch affair, and all our family's assurances have done little to convince her that her concerns are not justified.

Just for the record, I am a chip off the old block and the old block is still around. At 83, she is sharp as a tack and she notices things. I guess I am to blame for that. When she developed cataracts, I helped her get new eyes, so now she really notices things. She noticed in all the stuff about the YFZ stuff that she has not seen one woman past child bearing years--not one. She smells something fishy and her smeller is still pretty good--while we are at it.

Now, Mom is a little sensitive about this issue. It's alright for her to wonder if people under 80 have a right to live, but not the other way 'round. I have been with her when some little smart thing whipped into our parking space, or got ahead of her in the grocery line.

What the years have done is loosened her lips. When she was younger, she did a better job of keeping them together when she was offended. Not now! She seems to feel that she is entitled to comment on everything and since her hearing is just a little bit frayed around the edges, loud enough so the offending person can hear.

So, if you know about where the women are above child bearing age in this cult, let me now. Mom is not thinking of joining them, but it will ease her mind to know that they are not killing off their old folks.

Who would ever have let that thought cross their mind?

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