Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And The Winner is....

The United States of America.
Yes, in a day when governments are changed by revolution and civil war, our experience today is a tribute the sturdiness of our system of representative government.

I love this ritual every 2-4 years where there is always the possibility the government in power could become the former government in power. Yet, it all happens without one shot being fired.

Around the world, peoples of the world look with envy at our way of changing governments or renewing ourselves through government. They live in countries where citizens never go to bed with confidence they are protected by their leaders. Some live in governments where leaders are expected to enrich themselves while they impoverish the people. Some live in countries where factions have paralyzed the government and any hope of a functional durable government.

For all its flaws and short comings, for most Americans, we never think of these days as anything else but a chance to express our opinion and take a hand in shaping our destiny. That is the wonder of our nation.

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