Saturday, February 7, 2009

Goverment by Dummies 101

Apparently, Congress is more stupid than the greedy bankers that got us into this financial mess.

Our gridlocked Congress is moving at a glacial pace to shore up the financial system that is in shambles because of their previous lack of oversight. But not to worry, as long as taxpayers pay their taxes and young taxpayers arrive to take their places, the money can still be foolishly spent on Congressional Cronies and their foolish schemes.

The latest thought seems to propose suckering investors who have already lost their shirts, pants, and socks in the last greedy go round, to wager their last pair of underpants on "bad investments" that have already sunk the Banks' liquidity. The government would pass out guarantees like postage stamps, that if the investments go below worthless, they will step in and make good on the bad investment. The thinking, or lack thereof, seems to be that if there are more suckers than just the banking executive suckers, who could be cajoled into buying worthless investments for real dollars, then the really talented bankers could right their boats and keep their bonuses and we could all sail merrily along awash in more debt than we have ever been in. Bad investments could be dumped off on us and the government we middle Americans fund. Bankers, mortgage companies, and fund managers around the world could now slither back into the sunlight and buy themselves another penthouse and resort home in the Bahamas.

My personal opinion is that we need to start at the beginning. If we can round up suspected terrorists and put them in a makeshift jail on an island in the Gulf, perhaps we could do the same for those who have destroyed our world's economy. Bankers and mortgage brokers within America have done what Muslim terrorist have been unable to do in their holy war against the West-sink our way of life and make us pay for the privilege!

Let them go to jail while we sort it all out. Then let's round up the salespeople who had so little integrity and scruples they could sell their fellow gullible and greedy citizens down the river for a bonus. Let them be gathered into one place to prey on each other.

Then, lets gather up the politicians who broadened their sorry butts on taxpayer money while neglecting to oversee the economy they were elected to manage. They can organize constituency groups in the prison and try to get elected.

I would suggest prisons that look like zoos. Folks can go there and view the offenders in their natural habitats. Of course we would want to bring in their mohogany desks and their cell phones. We might even let folks feed the lot, and perhaps have their pictures made with the more docile. While people who have lost everything might want to throw rocks, we could limit them to unshelled peanuts.

The bottom line is that now is not the time for taxpayers to sit back and watch. Rather, if we ever made noise about anything, now is the time. It is time to communicate with your slumbering representative, and your lethargic Senator. It is time to dump the corporations who have run to the government for a bailout. Get Citi Bank, Bank of America out of your wallet. Move your Countrywide mortgage. It is time to quit buying GMC and Chrysler cars of any kind. It is time to say, "Enough is enough." Substandard cars, predatory practices are over.

The fact is, all of these folks are going to fail. It is just a question of how much taxpayer money you want them to make off with before they bite the dust.

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