Thursday, October 8, 2020

Trump on Steroids

How many warnings does one nation need?

That is a vital, relevant, and pressing question for our nation right now. How many warnings does one nation need?

Folks who live on the Gulf coast routinely listen to weather casters from June through October monitoring storms in the Gulf or along the Atlantic. I remember my first hurricane in 2008 after we had relocated to Livingston, Texas to allow Anna to help with the care of her mother. I believe I will always remember the name of that storm. It has been branded if you will into my memory. Hurricane Ike left us without power for five days, sultry humidity, downed trees, and power lines. In our 11 years in that community we had only one other hurricane, Harvey. It did substantial damage to the area.

People learned to listen to the experts and then make decisions on the best advice they could get.

Sadly, tragically that has not been true for the last five years in the national life of the United States. A year before the presidential election, in 2015 a book hit the market called “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump.” It was a compilation from 37 mental health experts on the psychological and psychiatric issues of then candidate Donald J Trump. He went on to be elected to the White House. As one person communicated to me, “He is just what this country needs.” I would not say I am an “expert” in mental health assessing especially from a distance, but as one of my sons says, “I can recognize when someone is a little whacky in the wicky woo.” 37 Mental Health clinicians drew the same conclusion. Not enough people heeded their warning.

Michael Wolff gave us an inside look at the Trump White House in “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.” Many more books would come out, editorials penned by people close to the situation, an unprecedented book by Anonymous entitled “A Warning.” Bob Woodward gave us “Fear,” and “Rage” where Trump tells us he knew all along how dangerous Covid was but chose to keep that information from the people of the United States.

Most recently two other warning have been fired across the bow of our ship of state, by scientists and doctors. Scientific American for the first time in many years endorsed Joe Biden because of the utter failure of DJT and his rejection of science and what that has brought down on the heads of the American people, our economy, our culture, our businesses, and our families.

Then, in a spectacular move, the New England Journal of Medicine, published an editorial signed by all members of the editorial board to vote out the leadership of the nation. Not endorsing any person or party, it simply said our leadership had failed us and they needed to be removed from public office and leadership. Go here(

So I ask you, “How many warnings does one nation need?”

Seven warnings but really more have given us the truth about this president, his mental instability, and his incompetence not just with Covid but really with everything. His narrative about being a successful businessman has been proven to be false by his tax returns. His narrative of being a great deal maker has been proven false by the “deals” he touts as being great steps. His breaking of treaties has made this world an unsafer place, and he has alienated our allies while drawing us closer to our historic enemies.

So, “how many warning does one nation need?” 

The President has emerged from his hospital stay less chastened but more irrational. He is literally “Trump on steroids,” which is never a good thing. “Trump as Trump,” was bad enough, but his irrationality, and behavior is even more bizarre, as he tries to pick up the pieces of his flagging and tattered re-election campaign.

So again I ask, “How many warning does a nation need?” 

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