Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Paranoid President

According to several news sources(the bane of this president) he has been in a rather foul mood since the Atlantic's explosive report last week sourcing comments the president has said about soldiers who died in combat.

Some might say his mood is because he doesn't like being portrayed as a heartless, soulless, manipulative person which he is, but I think it is more profound that that.

There are several things I believe are going on. First, people around the President are beginning to come to terms with this President and what he had done to America, what he has said about immigrants, Hispanics, African Americans, Black Lives Matter, the poor, Democrats, those who disagree with him, or just anybody who annoys him. Perhaps it is the realization that DJT has ignited hate groups and surfaced long buried but very real militant extremism in this country. They have seen from day one the real Trump but somehow believed that he could do good things even though he was “not perfect.” As time has gone on, they are realizing the damage he has done to every segment of the nation. Perhaps the great awakening began when he bungled the COVID-19 response politicizing it, minimizing it, distracting others from focusing on it, doing everything but leading the nation to aggressively address the virus and contain it and move on. Perhaps it was his evasive disregard for human lives lost to the COVID-19 virus(190,000+) and older Americans in nursing homes who died because of the extraordinary lengths these facilities had to go to protect those in their charge. Or perhaps it was the continual publishing of books documenting the “real” Donald Trump. The latest released today written by his personal fixer, lawyer, and “former friend,” Michael Cohen, Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump.”

Cohen you remember was charged, convicted, and sentenced for some of the crimes which grew out of his work for Trump. It can be argued by the purist that Michael Cohen has shown himself to be a liar, and that would be true, but successful prosecutors of the Mafia will tell you the best witness is one who was a part of the organization and now has flipped and is cooperating. That would be Michael Cohen. However, his book is not measurably different from the book Dr Mary L Trump wrote about her uncle, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man, or Bob Woodward's book, “Fear,” or his newest book to be release next week, “Rage.” All tell a consistent story. Historians will tell you that when one researches a topic, they look not just for the pertinent facts, but collaboration of those facts. All these book collaborate each other as they examine DJT from different angles.

Another thing I believe is going on as we come closer to the election, is simply the people around him are willing to talk. When they do, it becomes a profound warning to us all of what is often hidden within the walls of the White House or massaged by the people around him to take the edges of his worst comments and ideas. Trump gives a speech to the military telling them how much he has done for them, but later, remembrance of the sacrifice of WWI soldiers buried in France is not worth getting his hair wet, or standing out showing respect for “losers and suckers.”

And last, Trump is not a very deep thinker, but it may be dawning on him that increasingly, the loyalty he demands but does not return is melting away because those around him can no longer be silent to the dangerous man he is. In other words, as paranoid as Trump is, he may be realizing that even in his most trusted advisers there are people who are out to get him. Long the chief of conspiracy theories now he is in the middle of a conspiracy very real and very sobering. These sources are not out to “overthrow” him, just to let the public know who this man really is beneath the carefully coiffured blond comb over.

Sadly that has to be Hell for him. However, it is a Hell of his own making.

Wash your hands, wear your mask for others, mind the gap, and be kind.


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