Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Toxic Power of Hatred

The mishandling of COVID-19 has been expressed to me in several ways. You might not know this but I need pictures and graphs and then explanations of what those pictures and graphs mean.

We passed 202,000 deaths from COVID-19 today. Another way to think about that is think of 66+ days of 9/11 fatalities. Think of more than the war dead from Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

That has been the cost of the incompetence of our President, his administration, and his party as this very real virus has decimated our numbers, our economy, our cohesion as a nation, and our resiliency as a people.

There really is absolutely no excuse for these deaths. President Trump and his Republican enablers must take responsibility for the shambles he has made of this nation, and the fabric of our nation. His poisonous venom has unleashed the dark powers of hate buried in shallow graves throughout this land waiting for a dark night in which to rise and once again become the scourge of this promising nation. Zombies, Werewolves, and Vampires are our mythical creatures of the night which scare us but are figments of our imaginations, but the real danger is a vibrant hate which is stoked, and fanned, and fed until it consumes our better selves.

These times of palpable hate are the times in which we are living—not all of which can be laid at the feet of Donald Trump, but much can be laid at his feet.

Hate festers when opportunity is denied.

Hate festers when disrespect is saturating our world.

Hate festers when we are so insecure in ourselves we cannot extend respect to another if they are different from us.

Religious hatred is the worst because it blocks a person from getting a true picture of the God who has created the world, and in Jesus Christ offered salvation to all through his own sacrifice of His life. People cannot see the Cross for the hate and the haters.

Hate festers when there is no hope.

Hate festers when nothing changes and talk does nothing but make noise.

Hate festers when day after day, the struggle to live takes every ounce of strength one has.

Hate festers when one is hated for what they cannot change such as the color of their skin.

Hate festers when one is always, always on the outside looking in to the party one can never be invited to or attend.

Hate festers when the simple presence of the other parent is not possible but never understood.

There is no limit to the limitless bottom of hate which can be stirred up thinking one can actually control the hate.

It cannot be done.

Hate has its own course, its own power, and its own agenda.

As we have learned from the past, hate can engulf the world with catastrophic consequences.

That path of hate is the path of this president, and his enablers who choose not to challenge his statements, his actions, his malevolent thoughts and his narcissistic pathology.

We must realize, we must all realize, we are better than this, we want more than this, and it is within our power as citizens of this United States to make that happen. We can change the course the trajectory of this nation and once again find our positive place in this world.

I hope we do. I pray we do.


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