Friday, August 29, 2008

Same Song Third Verse

If anyone had any question about how committed the BGCT was to real change in light of the previous administration's squandering of $30,000,000.00+, they need to look no further than the recommendation that comes for filling the position of Associate Executive Director.

This "leader" was not only asleep at the wheel, but did not see anything wrong with what had gone on the previous eight years. The fact that tithes and offering given sacrificially by rank and file Baptists, was misused, misspent and misdirected, did not matter to him. He indicated to me that he was proud of what the BGCT has done on his watch.

This "leader" is also a part of the new fundamentalism demonstrated by Texas Baptist Committed in their efforts to follow in the steps of the old fundamentalism of the SBC. In fact, I found myself feeling like I had lived the Amarillo convention before. And then I remembered when it was. It was in New Orleans when the fundamentalism ran rough shod over the opposition because they controlled the chair. I remember feeling like such action violated the basic tenants of Baptist life, so I was extremely surprised when Texas Baptist Committed orchestrated the same tactics at Amarillo. Those that control the chair control the discussion of which there never is any. Later I had confirmed the budget presented, approved by the Executive Board of Directors, and later presented to the convention, was unsustainable from the beginning. The building knew it, many on the Board knew it, and many in the audience knew it, but nothing was said.

Yep, what is ahead for the BGCT? Look at the last few years and you have your answer. When those who allowed the abuse of the past to flourish now are suggested to lead the staff you know where things are going.

Tragic choice that will bear bitter fruit undermining even a faint confidence that anything in the BGCT will be different.

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