Friday, June 6, 2008

Spiritual heavy lifting--not!

Some have visited this blog and found it strangely remiss of anything spiritual. Since it is being authored by a pastor, the assumption is such a blog should be full of Scripture, analysis, uplifting thoughts, and sermons out the wazoo.

Sadly, they have been disappointed. Aside from a few articles about the Baptist General Convention that I once knew and loved, mostly I have written about the quirky side of life. I have lots of gifted friends whose blogs are helpful in profound ways. One friend is so profound I have yet to figure out what he is talking about, but I am sure that like my blog, he knows and understands.

I have always looked at life through a different lens. Call me a Christian absurdist if you will. I am a devoted follower of Jesus Christ and that gives my life meaning and direction. But I also notice things in a rather different way. I notice the use of language, the way people relate, the things people say, and the interesting way some things happen and signs--I love signs and bumper-stickers. I chuckle a lot and laugh even more.

I have learned in my travels to see the humor of the situation. If I did not do that, I would probably have a stroke. So, that is what I write about: the quirky things that keep me from stroking out in life, but keep me chuckling instead.

I also feel no need whatsoever to end up where I started or to use perfectly good grammar. I am old enough to thumb my nose at the grammar teacher. I only care if it makes sense, not if it is grammatically correct. I try to save that for sermons.

If you are along for the ride, welcome. I hope you enjoy some of what you read, and perhaps leave with a chuckle yourself.

And always feel free to drop me a note.

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